Becker Legal, P.C. is now on Facebook and Twitter! Click on the links above to follow us on these pages to stay up-to-date on Collaborative Law news as well as news concerning Becker Legal, P.C. Like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter!
Becker Legal, P.C. is now on Facebook and Twitter! Click on the links above to follow us on these pages to stay up-to-date on Collaborative Law news as well as news concerning Becker Legal, P.C. Like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter!
Lori D. Becker was picked by Michigan Lawyer’s Weekly Newspaper as one of the top Up & Coming Lawyers in the state of Michigan. Spotlight Article: Appeared in the Newspaper Announcement: The announcement of the list Lori Becker is the president and managing partner of Becker Legal P.C. in […]
Divorce doesn’t have to tear apart your family. By utilizing the collaborative divorce method you can avoid the emotional heartache that so often arises out of traditional divorce litigation. Unlike a traditional divorce, the collaborative divorce method allows you and your spouse to talk to each other rather than through your attorneys. This opens up […]
Lori D. Becker has just become the first person from Michiganever elected to the Board of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals! This is a big deal for Lori as it is an international recognition of the great collaborative work she’s been doing in Michigan. Visit Becker Legal, P.C.’s home Lori D. Becker received some local […]
Lori D. Becker is featured on the cover of Motion magazine! Click Here for the whole article.
Divorce involves an intertwining of complex emotional, financial and legal issues. With these very diverse fields involved, why do most divorce attorneys pretend to be experts in all of them? The truth is that no single professional has the range of skills to address each issue involved in a divorce as comprehensively as is necessary […]
A new paradigm is needed for the way family law is practiced in Michigan, and a new method called Collaborative Divorce is leading the way. Divorce is a life-changing event. A select group of attorneys can now offer a better way to end a marriage through specialized advanced training in Collaborative Divorce. This groundbreaking method […]
Watch this blog for articles about Lori Becker and the exciting new practice of Collaborative Divorce! You can also check us out at Contact Lori D. Becker: Phone: 248-885-8660Fax: 248-885-8610E-mail: in**@Be**************.com Location: 33 Bloomfield Hills Parkway, Ste. 270Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304