Tagged: Finance

More “Bang for Your Buck”: The Value of Collaborative

As a society, we are fascinated by the wealthy—we constantly scrutinize and analyze their lifestyles and decisions, trying to learn what it is that sets them apart and allows them to be so successful.  Many millionaires or billionaires actually come from middle class backgrounds and they understand value.  Even though they have a lot of […]

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Why Collaborative Divorce?

Divorce doesn’t have to tear apart your family. By utilizing the collaborative divorce method you can avoid the emotional heartache that so often arises out of traditional divorce litigation. Unlike a traditional divorce, the collaborative divorce method allows you and your spouse to talk to each other rather than through your attorneys. This opens up […]

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A Team Approach to Divorce That Can Save You Money

Divorce involves an intertwining of complex emotional, financial and legal issues.  With these very diverse fields involved, why do most divorce attorneys pretend to be experts in all of them?  The truth is that no single professional has the range of skills to address each issue involved in a divorce as comprehensively as is necessary […]

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