Tagged: Child Therapist

A Team Approach to Divorce That Can Save You Money

Divorce involves an intertwining of complex emotional, financial and legal issues.  With these very diverse fields involved, why do most divorce attorneys pretend to be experts in all of them?  The truth is that no single professional has the range of skills to address each issue involved in a divorce as comprehensively as is necessary […]

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Collaborative Divorce: Revolutionizing the Way Divorces Are Handled

A new paradigm is needed for the way family law is practiced in Michigan, and a new method called Collaborative Divorce is leading the way. Divorce is a life-changing event. A select group of attorneys can now offer a better way to end a marriage through specialized advanced training in Collaborative Divorce. This groundbreaking method […]

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If you are thinking about getting a divorce, consider Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative divorce law is a relatively new, multi-disciplinary approach designed to minimize conflict while enabling divorcing couples to find a way to resolve their differences on all relevant issues. The process places a deep emphasis on negotiation and working together. You may be worried that you and your spouse will be unable to reach an […]

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