What Do Steve Jobs and Litigation Attorneys Have In Common?

Though the title of this post sounds like a set up for a bad joke,  it comes from a New York Times article which marveled at Steve Jobs being a “low tech” parent.  The author of the article was so perplexed by Jobs’  revelation that his children’s  usage of IPads and other technology was restricted, he interviewed many tech higher ups as to gain perspective on why this seems to be a trend in their community.  The conclusion was that since people in the tech industry know the dangers of technology firsthand, they want to limit their children’s exposure to spare them from these dangers.

People are often surprised when I tell them that the groups utilizing the Collaborative Divorce Process most often are doctors,  business owners, and litigating attorneys.  I think a similar explanation can be applied to this phenomenon.  Litigating attorneys see (over and over) the devastating effects of litigation and the court process on families, and particularly, children.  They want to spare their own families the pain and years of battle.   They know that the litigation process by its very nature and set up (for example, labeling the case with “Plaintiff vs Defendant”) is harmful to families.  Though many of them are initially skeptical of the Collaborative Divorce Process since it requires such a huge paradigm shift, they come to my office willing to try anything that allows them to stay out of the court process and the legal battlefield.

I strongly encourage everyone who comes in for a consultation — regardless of profession– to explore all the options and to compare typical outcomes, weigh the pros and cons of each process available for getting a divorce,  in order to be able to make an educated decision focused on the welfare of their family.

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